Stop trying to "Crush It"


Broden Johnson

Broden Johnson is the kind of guy who’s been through the wringer and come out the other side with wisdom to share. He made his first million at 21 and lost it at 22—only to rebuild his life by starting and investing in several successful businesses. As a father, husband, entrepreneur, and philosopher, Broden’s experiences have shaped his no-nonsense approach to life. Subscribe and join over 100,000+ followers, readers & listeners!

We live in a world where “crushing it” is the ultimate badge of honour. The entrepreneurs, influencers, and big-shot execs—they’re the ones we put on pedestals. They win awards, land magazine covers, and rake in millions of followers. And from the outside, their lives look flawless.

“If only my life was like that,” we think. The envy creeps in. We feel small in comparison, like we’re not doing enough, being enough, living enough.

But let’s take a step back.

Are these people really crushing it—or are they being crushed? Crushed by debt. Crushed by burnout. Crushed by the relentless pursuit of more. Are they really living the dream, or are they sacrificing time with their kids, their families, their health, their peace of mind?

Don’t get me wrong, some of these people are doing incredible things. But let’s be honest: society has its heroes all wrong.

Where’s the applause for the mum who works two jobs just to give her kids a better life? Or the dad who quietly sacrifices his own dreams to support his family? Where’s the recognition for the teacher who spends their evenings marking papers and their weekends preparing lessons, pouring their heart into the next generation?

What about the nurse who holds a stranger’s hand in their darkest moment? The volunteer who shows up, day after day, because they care? The friend who checks in when you’re struggling, not because they have to, but because they want to?

These are the real heroes.

They don’t get trophies. They don’t go viral. They don’t have a “crushing it” highlight reel. But they are the glue holding the world together. They are the ones living lives of quiet courage, resilience, and love.

Marcus Aurelius said it best: “Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one.”

It’s not about being flashy. It’s about doing what’s right. It’s about showing up for the people who need you. It’s about choosing kindness, integrity, and love—not for recognition but because it matters.

So, let’s stop idolising the curated perfection we see online and start celebrating the everyday heroes in our lives. The people who do the right thing, even when no one’s watching. The people who sacrifice, care, and love without expecting anything in return.

And you know what? You’re one of them. Whether you’re raising kids, supporting your family, helping others, or simply trying your best every damn day—you’re a hero too.

Reflection: Who are the everyday heroes in your life? Take a moment to thank them. And while you’re at it, give yourself some credit for everything you’re doing.

The world doesn’t need more people chasing a fantasy of success. It needs more people like you.

PS: Share this with someone who needs to hear it—someone who might not realise they’re a hero too.

Much Love,

Broden Johnson

Broden Johnson

Broden Johnson is the kind of guy who’s been through the wringer and come out the other side with wisdom to share. He made his first million at 21 and lost it at 22—only to rebuild his life by starting and investing in several successful businesses. As a father, husband, entrepreneur, and philosopher, Broden’s experiences have shaped his no-nonsense approach to life. Subscribe and join over 100,000+ followers, readers & listeners!